One of our practitioners writes:
Some years ago (about 20) I was seeing about 40 clients a week. This was obviously draining so I cut down. I guess there were about 20 practitioners in this area then but now there are well over 200!
Unfortunately many of these people seem to have been poorly trained because when the client has not been happy with their therapy, many have come to me and surprisingly, have said that previous therapy was never as good as mine.
It seems to be a growing problem – the “young bucks” come along with modern websites and plenty of enthusiasm for their marketing, but not a lot of skill to back it up.
We were all there once though, right?
Luckily, there is a way to level the playing field and stand head and shoulders over the hordes of poorly trained competition, and that is by using Trust Vega.
That’s because online consumer reviews are the second most trusted source of brand information after recommendations from friends and family (Nielson, 2012).
And verifiable reviews are the perfect way for your experience and results to shine through to potential clients.